10 Ways to Declutter & Organize


  1. Start small when decluttering an area. For example, start with a single drawer or shelf to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Then, move on to more significant areas like folding your laundry or sorting through a junk drawer. 

  2. Set a daily timer for about 15-30 minutes to declutter your area. This will help you in the long run and ensure you don't have to declutter your space entirely.

  3.  Sort items into three piles: keep, donate/sell, and trash. This will help you eliminate items you no longer use and make room for more storage and new items.

  4. Label containers and shelves to keep your space organized and clean. This can help you find things more efficiently and help you stay organized.

  5. Set aside at least 30 minutes every few weeks to go through your stuff and re-organize it into its proper place.


  1. Create Zones — Divide your space into zones based on the item in your place. Ex. clothes, books, and dishes.

  2. Prioritize Accessibility — Store items used more frequently within reach and less used items in harder-to-reach places.

  3. Store Similar Items Together — Storing similar items together, like bras and underwear, can help you stay more organized and make finding items easier.

  4. Clear Space — Keep countertops and other surfaces as clear and clean as possible, creating a visually calm environment. Also, spend at least 10 minutes a day cleaning your space to keep your area organized.

  5. Functional Decor — Use functional decor in your space; this means using baskets and other organizational items to keep your space looking cute and clean.


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